Benefits of fly screens
17th Mar 2022
To circulate fresh air without spoiling your view, DIY fly screens are suited to most window and door applications. With features such as a discreet mesh and house blending uPVC frames, the fly screen won’t spoil your home styling and has many benefits to you and your home.
Insect protection
Summer is one of UK’s favourite seasons, but there’s always one thing that proves to be a nuisance –insects and creepy crawlies! Not only are they unhygienic, but they always seem to fly in through our open windows and doors. If you hate sweeping up dead flies from your white window sills, then fly screens offer a simple solution to this problem. DIY fly screens give maximum visibility and protection from insects. The 4-sided frame sticks onto your existing window and then the retractable, ultra-fine insect mesh pulls across to cover the entire opening so the window is completely sealed against insects whilst still allowing fresh air in to cool and refresh your home. So no more bites and having to spend time combating insects and flies.
Let fresh air in
Many modern homes nowadays are becoming increasingly airtight to help maintain temperature throughout the colder season. This means that pollutants in the air have no means of escaping. As a result this causes stale air in the house and often the air inside your home to be polluted by lead (in house dust), formaldehyde, fire-retardants, radon and even volatile chemicals from household cleaners. Fortunately, with a DIY fly screen, this provides ventilation throughout your entire house so that you don’t have to worry about stale or stuffy air being trapped inside your house. All this should help you create a pleasant living experience as well as a constant airflow through the house, without attracting wasps, mosquitoes and other bugs.
Stay hygienic
Fly screens can make your homes more hygienic and healthy. By adding fly screens to areas such as your kitchen windows, this prevents insects from crawling over your food and work surfaces. If you have pets, you may also constantly find that you have to throw away their food because flies have laid their eggs in it, not to mention their irritating noise. Therefore you can help prevent the spread of infectious diseases carried by the pesky little blighters.
Better night’s sleep
What could be more annoying than leaving your windows shut on a hot summer night? If you’re finding the muggy nights are disturbing your sleep but you don’t want to open the window for fear of letting in uninvited guests, DIY fly screens are perfect for you. You can have a restful night’s sleep without fearing bites or stings throughout the night- so wake up feeling refreshed after a great night’s sleep.
Cut costs
If you use air conditioning throughout the entire summer, this can prove to be costly. Fly screens are an ideal solution when it comes to regulating temperature as they provide natural ventilation and fresh air whilst protecting against flying insects. Although fly screens will cost money when installing this, it’s an investment you can count on and can be used time and time again.